It’s not about the destination, but the voyage, and the true treasure was friendship.

What a semester! Never though I would have done so much in a single class, but I feel very accomplished, and equally exhausted.

The first project: DIY

This was that one time I built a janky guitar in my dorm room.  It was a very rough and simple instrument, but it had character, and was s really fun and rewarding project.


The second project: Heavy Metal Band

Yikes.  An animation of a heavy metal band playing Chop Suey!  If there was ever a project that nearly made me go insane, it is this one.  Making and animated music video is not easy.  All the timing was mind-numbing, and the animations were not cooperating at all.  This being said, every time I watch the video I feel a fuzzy warm feeling of accomplishment, and I would go through all of that work again and again to experience this pride any day of the week.


The third project: Skeleton Castle

A pixel, GBA style, spooky skeleton platform game.  It was a lot of fun to make, and even more fun making people play it and try to beat it (so far only my brother has managed to complete it).


The Final: The Unusual Suspects: Detention Room (Game Design)

This was the project that put everything I had learned throughout the semester into a single task.  A puzzle, story-telling game about a high school crime told in a noir comic book style.  This is something I would love to continue in my game design adventure.

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